It seems like fleas have been worse than ever this year. Unfortunately, this warm weather is expected to last well into November, making flea season especially long.
Many Orange County families struggle to control fleas on their pets and in their homes. Flea products can be expensive, and traveling to and from the vet every month isn’t always an option for today’s busy family. It can be tempting to opt for grocery store options in an effort to save both time and money. However, many over the counter flea products can be dangerous for your pet.
Flea Shampoo
Despite their harmless appearance, flea shampoos often contain harsh chemicals, which can be harmful to your pet. In fact, the insecticides in flea shampoo have poisoned several pets.
Symptoms of insecticide poisoning include seizures, difficulty walking, dilated pupils, extreme sleepiness, decreased heart rate, vomiting, excessive drooling, and diarrhea. If you suspect your pet has been poisoned, it’s crucial that you get them to their veterinarian as soon as possible.
Spot Treatment
There are numerous over the counter spot treatment products available today. These products are applied once a month to the base of the neck. While Frontline and Advantage are generally safe to use, the products provided by other companies have caused severe reactions in several pets.
Spot treatments are responsible for 80% of all deaths related to flea treatment. Reactions can come on suddenly, even if you’ve used over the counter spot treatments before. When in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution. Talk to your veterinarian about safer options for your pet.
Flea Collars
Flea collars used to be the flea treatment of choice for families everywhere. Today, we have better options and know more about the harmful effects of these products.
Flea collars can cause severe allergic reaction. These collars supply a constant stream of insecticides, which can leach into your pet’s skin causing neurological issues and even death.
If you are having difficulty dealing with fleas, it’s important to speak with your veterinarian about safe treatment options. It’s also important to treat your home to prevent fleas from re-infecting your pet.
Please contact us at 714-962-1005 to discuss your flea treatment options with one of our experienced groomers.