Ticks pose a major threat to your pet and home. Ticks are painful to pets and have the ability to spread disease. In rare cases, a tick can consume enough blood to cause anemia. It is for these reasons that controlling ticks is extremely important to your pet’s well-being.
When Ticks Strike
Ticks usually sit on the tips of grasses or other plants, waiting for a host to brush past. They look for warm and moist places on an animal to attach themselves. If you suspect that your animal has a tick, first check between the toes, in and around the ears, in the “armpits,” around the neck, and near the base of the tail. However, a tick can situate itself anywhere on your pet. Make sure that, wherever you search, you look deep within the fur. Ticks are small and very easy to miss.
What to Do If You Find a Tick
If you do find a tick on your pet, removing it successfully is crucial. This limits how much blood the tick can consume. Ticks can be removed using either fine-point tweezers or specialized tick removal tools. Wear gloves to avoid the spread of unwanted disease. Grab the tick as close to your pet’s skin as possible, and pull out its entire body with one straight outward motion. It is important not to squeeze the tick to avoid breaking it. Pieces left embedded in an animal’s skin may cause infection. Clean the area surrounding the tick bite with alcohol, and keep an eye on the wound for a few days. Write down the date that you found that tick in case an infection or disease does occur.
Even a pet who is outside for a brief time may be exposed to ticks. Because it is impossible to regulate every space your pet comes into contact with, it is important to practice regular prevention. Methods range from spot-on medications to tick collars. Your vet can provide you with the best information on tick products. Keep in mind that these products use sensitive chemicals and must be approved for your specific pet. Every pet is unique!
Meanwhile, there are various ways to ensure that your home and yard are tick-free. Ticks are attracted to a messy yard. Mow the lawn often and dispose of leaf litter and old furniture. Ticks will have less places to hide and will be more likely to move onto another yard. Keeping ticks out of the home is a similar process. Organization is the most important step; a clean home will be less likely to attract ticks. Prevention is important because, in the case that ticks do enter the home, it will become necessary to call an exterminator. This is an expensive and extremely invasive process.
Claws N Paws Day Spa provides grooming for dogs and cats. Visit our location in Fountain Valley, California, or contact us at 714-962-1005 for more information on our grooming services.