Is Your Peanut Butter Safe For Your Dog?
Many dogs enjoy peanut butter. At almost every pet supply store you can found several different peanut butter treats and snacks for dogs. In fact several people even make these treats in their own kitchen. Peanut butter is often used straight from the jar to get our dogs to swallow pills. However is your peanut butter really safe for your dog?
There is a new type of peanut butter on the market that is actually poisonous to dogs. This peanut butter contains a sweetener called Xylitol. Xylitol exists naturally in some fruits and vegetables. For people, Xylitol is an excellent substitute for sugar and its use results in fewer calories, less tooth decay and fewer problems for diabetics. Xylitol is commonly found in sugar-free gum, candies, toothpastes and baked goods. However xylitol is toxic to dogs even in very small amounts.
In low doses xylitol causes insulin release and low blood sugar in dogs. When blood sugar drops low enough dogs can experience seizures or fall into a coma. In slightly higher doses xylitol causes liver failure in dogs. Any amount of xylitol ingested by a dog should be considered dangerous. The dog must be hospitalized and given an infusion of sugar through IV and medications to protect their liver. Their sugar and liver must be constantly monitored for two to three days in order to detect any liver disease that might develop. If detected, liver failure is extremely difficult to treat.
Having your dog in the hospital for a few days with blood being drawn regularly is tough on both you and your dog. An ounce of prevention can go a very long way in protecting your dog from a potentially serious problem. Always read labels and educate yourself on which foods are safe for your dog. Many people don’t realize that foods such as grapes, macadamia nuts and bread dough are also toxic for their dogs. If you are unsure if something is safe, it’s probably best to avoid it.
At Claws N Paws Day Spa we care about the health and safety of your pets. We offer full service pet grooming in Fountain Valley, California. For more information or to schedule a grooming appointment, please call 714-962-1005.
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