Halloween Costumes for Pets
People of all ages enjoy Halloween. It only makes sense that we would want to include our pets in the fun. Pet costumes have come a very long way over the past few years. While choosing the perfect costume for your pet should be enjoyable, remember to always put your pet’s safety and comfort before your own amusement.
Most likely, your pet won’t have any say in what their Halloween costume is going to be. Most pet parents have a very special bond with their pets and in many ways their pet becomes an extensive of their own personality. The costume that you choose for your pet might reflect your special relationship with them or it could reflect what is trending at the moment. You might even choose to wear a matching costume with your pet or make your pet a special sidekick or accessory to your own costume.
Pets typically have a tough time getting used to wearing their costumes. Costumes with headgear are some of the most difficult to get your pet accustomed to. While you might be tempted to wait until Halloween, it’s a much better idea to get them used to their costume before the big night. A pet’s costume should never limit its movement. Pets should be able to run or walk normally without banging into anything. A slow buildup to Halloween with lots of positive reinforcement is probably your best bet at making your pet comfortable with their costume.
Start by putting the costume on your pet for a short period of time. Offer lots of treats and praise them. Remove the costume and repeat this process several times during the weeks before Halloween. This type of training helps to convince your pet that wearing the costume is a positive experience.
No matter how much you prepare it’s still important to know when your pet is uncomfortable. Telltale signs include ears pulled back, tucking of the tail, lowering of the head and immobility. Their costume should be easy to remove in case of discomfort. Also, make sure there are no parts of the costume that can be chewed off and ingested.
Claws N Paws Day Spa has been grooming dogs and cats in Orange County, California since 2001. For more information or to schedule your next grooming appointment, please call 714-962-1005 today.
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