Many people do not realize that senior dogs can suffer from dementia. In fact, thousands of dogs go undiagnosed with this condition each year. It’s up to every pet owner to recognize the signs of a potential problem and seek appropriate treatment.
The following are common signs that your dog might be suffering from dementia:
Your Dog Appears to Get Lost in Corners
This is one of the most common signs of a possible problem. Some dogs will stand headfirst in a corner or at the hinge side of a door. These dogs may look as though they are waiting to be let out. They might appear helpless, unsure of what to do next.
A dog suffering from cognitive dysfunction syndrome might pace or wander around the house. These pets often appear anxious.
Sudden Onset of Accidents
A pet suffering from dementia might suddenly appear to have forgotten that they are supposed to go outside. It’s important to note that a loss of housetraining isn’t always related to dementia. It might be a sign of another issue such as a urinary tract infection or gastrointestinal problems. A trip to the vet can help you determine the cause.
Not Greeting Family Members
If your dog used to eagerly greet family members but now avoids human companionship, it’s important to have them seem by a vet. This is often a sign of a problem.
Pointless Barking
A dog that barks for no reason might be confused. They may bark because they no longer recognize family members, or because they don’t know where they are or what to do next.
Loss of Appetite
Anytime a pet stops eating, it’s important to have them seen by a vet. If your pet is suffering from dementia, they may have forgotten they need to eat.
Sleep Changes
A dog suffering from dementia might sleep more than usual or mix up day with night.
Stops Responding to Voice Commands
It’s time for a visit to the vet if your pet suddenly seems confused by their name or other voice commands.
Keep in mind that senior dogs can suffer from hearing loss. This should be ruled out before assuming your pet has dementia.