Spring Safety for Cats
Spring is just around the corner and many of us are already enjoying the warmer weather in Southern California. Unfortunately, hundreds of cats are injured during the spring. The cause of these springtime injuries might surprise you.
Cats love windows. They use them to watch birds and people passing by. They enjoy the warm sun and spring breezes, and they often sleep beside them. However, cats frequently lean on screens and sometimes pounce against them when excited. If the screen isn’t properly latched, or the window has no screen at all, the cat can easily fall. This happens so often that it is known as “high-rise syndrome”.
It only takes about five or six inches for a determined cat to slip through an opening, and regardless of what you’ve heard, cats do not always land on their feet. Even a short fall can cause serious injuries.
The best way to prevent injuries to your cat this spring is to make sure that your window screens are securely in place. Never open your windows more than three or four inches. This will allow the fresh air inside without allowing your cat to force its way out.
When opening doors that lead outside, make sure that your cat isn’t lurking nearby, planning its great escape. Make sure that your doors always close securely behind you whenever you leave the house. Also, it’s important that children and guests know this rule as well. If you are planning a trip away from home, you will need to let your pet sitter know that your cat is an “indoor only cat” and that they need to be very careful not to let them out of the house.
Unfortunately, high-rise syndrome is a sad reality for many pet lovers and their furry companions. While you enjoy the warmer weather of the spring and summer you will want to make sure that is a safe one for everyone, including your four legged friends!
We hope that this information has been helpful as we strive to provide education on all aspects of pet care.
Claws N Paws Day Spa offers quality dog and cat grooming in Orange County, California. For more information, or to schedule a grooming appointment, please call 714-962-1005.
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