Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. With summer, comes a number of issues for our pets. One of the most common skin problems pets experience during the summer are fleas. Fleas cause intense itching and skin irritation. They can also cause allergic reactions and anemia in severe cases. It’s important to learn how to spot these common pests.
Look for Signs of Fleas
Fleas drink the blood of pets. They can cause bumps and sores on both pets and people. Often these pests cause a row of bite marks as they jump from one area to the next. This is more obvious on humans because we aren’t covered in fur. When searching for fleas on your pet, you’ll need to spend a little more time looking.
Part your pet’s hair and inspect close to the skin. Look for flea dirt, which looks a lot like coffee grounds. When wet, flea dirt turns the color of blood. Flea dirt is the droppings of fleas. In severe infestations, flea dirt is easy to see. It is more difficult to spot on pets with only one or two fleas.
Look for actual fleas. Part the fur and look for small insects running over the skin and in the fur close to the skin. These insects are small and reddish brown in color. Inspect your entire pet, especially around the base of the tail and the ears.
What to Do if You Find Fleas
If you find flea dirt or fleas you will need to treat both your pet and their environment. The best way to treat for fleas is with a treatment provided by your vet. Unfortunately, fleas have become immune to many of the usual treatments including Advantage and Frontline. Your veterinarian can provide you with the best treatment available today.
It’s important to note that over the counter flea treatments should never be used. In addition to being ineffective at killing fleas, these treatments are dangerous for your pet. Many animals have died from their use.
Claws N Paws Day Spa offers dog and cat grooming services in Orange County California. We can help you determine the best flea treatment for your pet. Please call 714-962-1005 for more information.